Former students assist at Charting Your Course

Journalism students and teachers from six area high schools and one junior high teacher attended the annual Charting Your Course conference Sept. 19 in Loftin Student Center to learn tips and tricks of the trade.
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Journalism adjunct Teresa Talerico (above) leads a discussion on interviewing tips for Charting Your Course. Talerico joined the faculty this semester and serves as one of the advisers to The Ranger. She earned a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. 

Vincent T. Davis (left), a reporter and feature writer at the San Antonio Express-News, talks to the group about feature writing. According to one observer, the students treated Vince "Like a rock star." 
Cynthia Esparza, a free-lance photojournalist who works regularly for the San Antonio Express-News, and Bexar County Public Information Officer Laura Jesse (right), who works with Judge Nelson Wolff, answer questions from the students about photography and reporting. 
Vince is surrounded by admirers after his feature writing session. 
Click HERE for a session on UIL writing contests from a previous conference.