Two exes appear on TAJE program in San Antonio

Getting hands-on experience and learning leadership, copy editing and design skills at The Ranger were good preparation for an internship at Corpus Christi Caller-Times, former editor Laura Garcia told an audience of journalism students attending the Texas Community College Journalism Association state convention Oct. 14 at Texas State University-San Marcos.

She shared that experience and others during her time at San Antonio College with students attending the Texas Association of Journalism Educators Fall Convention Oct. 24 at the Gunter Hotel. She is now an editorial assistant at SA Scene Magazine and a student at Texas State University in San Marcos.  

Also, former Ranger photographer Darren Abate appeared on the TAJE program. 

"I had a great time acting as the photojournalism and sports photography 'pro' at the Texas Association of Journalism Educators Breakfast with a pro event," Abate said on Facebook. He is a free-lance photographer based in San Antonio. 

Both former students represented the Journalism and Photography programs well.