Former student begins Washington internship

First day for the fall interns. At the White House from left, Jessica Wray, Franklin College; Sihan Zhang, Tsinghau University, Beijing; Zahra Farah, Texas State University, San Marcos; Sean Bradley, Central Michigan University; Nick Prete, Arizona State University; Gavin Stern, post-graduate, multimedia fellow, Stony Brook University; AndrĂ©s Rodriguez, University Texas at El Paso. 
Zahra Farah, a student at Texas State University and a former Ranger editor, is serving an internship in Washington D.C. this fall with the Scripps Howard Foundation.

Interns report for work each day at the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, which is housed in the same office as the Scripps Howard News Service, four blocks from the White House.

They report and write a variety of stories. Interns also talk with experts at the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Student Press LawCenter, the Washington Post, the State Department, the Pentagon and others to better understand how to cover the news. Interns should be prepared to cover government, politics, breaking news, business, sports and features.

The Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington program has three internship opportunities, including undergraduate reporting internships, a post-graduate multimedia fellowship and international students. There are four groups of interns a year. All interns receive a stipend and free housing in furnished apartments.

For more information about how to apply, visit